Clean Act Project

The “Clean Act project”

We are committed to an eco-responsible approach, respectful of environmental and societal issues. This commitment is part of our corporate project; we have called it the “Clean Act Project”.

This act takes on different aspects and is constantly evolving. We are not perfect, but we work every day to respect our commitments.

We seek performance and constant improvement in the quality of our products, while preserving natural resources and limiting the impact on the environment.

Michèle Evrard

Eco- responsibility

Our commitment to reducing our impact begins with clean formulas, developed in strict compliance with Black List Cosmetics 27.

Our formulas respect the skin, are free of controversial ingredients and contain at least 85% plant-based ingredients of natural and vegan origin, while being free from animal testing.

We are constantly optimizing our packaging to reduce its environmental impact, by gradually reducing the number of packaging elements. We favor glass over plastic, except when the latter is necessary (for pumps, covers, tubes), in which case we favor recycled and recyclable plastic materials.

Our clean charter also includes the production and transport stages, with a preference for short circuits and local sources of supply in Europe.

Cosmetics 27 is clean formulas, eco-responsible packaging, and a strong commitment to sustainable production in Europe.


Societal commitment

The company has considered its social role to be essential since its creation, putting inclusiveness at the heart of its values. We are actively committed to diversity, equal opportunities and development.

Our founder particularly supports the education of women as a lever towards autonomy, a cause that we defend in partnership with the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil in Madagascar, where our main ingredient is sourced,
Centella Asiatica.
Since 2021, our collaboration with Apprentis d'Auteuil aims specifically to support the education of young girls through the Sandratra project.

We have also recently collaborated with Belle & Bien, which combines cosmetic quality and well-being to offer sublimating products and services while taking care. Our mission is to support women with cancer by offering them onco-aesthetic treatments that strengthen their confidence and self-esteem.